The Disempowered Development of Tibet in China

eBook - A Study in the Economics of Marginalization, Studies in Modern Tibetan Culture

Erschienen am 20.12.2013, Auflage: 1/2013
75,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780739134399
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 462 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Studies in Modern Tibetan Culture, Lexington Books
Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University

Since the central government of China started major campaigns for western development in the mid-1990s, the economies of the Tibetan areas in Western China have grown rapidly and living standards have improved. However, grievances and protests have also intensified, as dramatically evidenced by the protests that spread across most Tibetan areas in spring 2008 and by the more recent wave of self-immolation protests that started in 2011. This book offers a detailed and careful exploration of this synergy between development and conflict in Tibet from the mid-1990s onwards, when rapid economic growth has occurred in tandem with a particularly assimilationist approach of integrating Tibet into China.

Fischer argues that the intensified economic integration of Tibet into regional and national development strategies on these assimilationist terms, within a context of continued political disempowerment, and through the massive channeling of subsidies through Han Chinese dominated entities based outside the Tibetan areas, has accentuated various dynamics of subordination and marginalization faced by Tibetans of all social strata. Whether or not these dynamics are intended to be discriminatory, they effectively accentuate the discriminatory, assimilationist and disempowering characteristics of development, even while producing considerable improvements in the material consumption of local Tibetans. In particular, strong cultural, linguistic and political biases intensify ethnically-exclusionary dynamics among middle and upper strata of the Tibetan labor force, which is problematic considering the rapid shift of Tibetans out of agriculture and towards the highly subsidy-dependent sectors of the economy, especially in urban areas.

The combination of these disempowering dynamics with the sheer speed of dislocating and disembedding social change provides important insights into recent tensions given that it has accentuated insecurity while restricting the ability of Tibetan communities to adapt in autonomous and self-determined ways.

The study represents one of the only macro-level and systemic analyses of its kind in the scholarship on Tibet, based on accessible economic analysis and extensive interdisciplinary fieldwork. It also carries much interest for those interested in China and in the interactions between development, inequality, exclusion and conflict more generally.


Andrew Martin Fischeris associate professor at the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague. He is also convenor of the MA major in Social Policy for Development at ISS, in which he leads teaching in poverty studies, population, inclusive growth, and development economics.


Chapter One: Introduction: The Disempowered Development of Tibet in China
Chapter Two: Historical Legacies of the Modern Development of Tibet
Chapter Three: Population Foundations of Marginalization in Tibet
Chapter Four: Instituting Economic Growth and Marginalization in Tibet
Chapter Five: The Great Transformation of Tibet? Rapid Labor Transitions, Polarization and the Emerging Fault Lines of Stratification in Urban Tibet
Chapter Six: The Education-Employment Nexus of Exclusion in Tibet
Chapter Seven: Subsistence Capacity and the Material Foundations of Resistance
Chapter Eight: Boycotts and Religious Networks: counter-strategies of integration
Chapter Nine: Conclusion: From Polarization to Protest in Contemporary Tibet

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