Global Movements

eBook - Dance, Place, and Hybridity

Erschienen am 18.12.2014, Auflage: 1/2014
57,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780739171837
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 210 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Global Movements: Dance, Place, and Hybridity provides a theoretical and practical examination of the relationships between the global mobility of ideas and people, and its impact on dance and space. Using seven case studies, the contributors illustrate the mixture of dance styles that result from the global diffusion of cultural traditions and practices. The collection portrays a multitude of ways in which public and private spacesstages, buildings, town squares as well as natural environmentsare transformed and made meaningful by culturally diverse dances.Global Movementswill be of interest to scholars of geography, dance, and global issues.


Olaf Kuhlke is associate professor of geography and associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota Duluth.

Adam M. Pine is assistant professor of geography and director of the Urban and Regional Studies Program at the University of Minnesota Duluth.


Introduction,Olaf Kuhlke and Adam Pine
Chapter 1: Cultural Survival as a Geographic Paradox: The Case of Flamenco,Yuko Aoyama
Chapter 2: Irishness and Step Dancing in Newfoundland and Labrador,Kristin Harris Walsh
Chapter 3: Dancing in Foam City: Berlin and the Viscous Embodiment of German National Identity at the Love Parade, 1989-2006,Olaf Kuhlke
Chapter 4: Human Kind in the Apex of Borders: Artistic and Expressive Communication in Projected Images, Dance, and Narrative,Mary Lynn Babcock and Lynnette Young Overby
Chapter 5: Tango: A Cognitive Companionship from the Street to the Classroom,France Joyal
Chapter 6: Salsa Cosmopolitanism: Situating the Dancing Body as Part of the Global Cosmopolitan Project,Adam Pine
Chapter 7: From Streetlights to Stagelights to Cyberity and Back: Dance in (Geographic) Space,Carla Walter and Steve Smith
Conclusion: Valorizing the Many Different Spaces of Dance: Co-opting the Cultural Choreography of Globalization,Adam Pine and Olaf Kuhlke

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