Devil's Atlas - Cover

Devil's Atlas

eBook - An Explorer's Guide to Heavens, Hells and Afterworlds

Erschienen am 14.10.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
34,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781398503564
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Very beautiful and illuminating Mariella Frostrup Edward Brooke-Hitching, author of the international bestsellerThe Phantom Atlasdelivers an atlas unlike any other.The Devil's Atlasis an illustrated guide to the heavens, hells and lands of the dead as imagined throughout history by cultures and religions around the world. Packed with colourful maps, paintings and captivating stories, the reader is taken on a compelling tour of the geography, history and supernatural populations of the afterworlds of cultures around the globe. Whether it's the thirteen heavens of the Aztecs, the Chinese Taoist netherworld of ';hungry ghosts', or the ';Hell of the Flaming Rooster' of Japanese Buddhist mythology (in which sinners are tormented by an enormous fire-breathing cockerel),The Devil's Atlasgathers together a wonderful variety of beliefs and representations of life after death. These afterworlds are illustrated with an unprecedented collection of images, ranging from the marvellous ';infernal cartography' of the European Renaissance artists attempting to map the structured Hell described by Dante and the decorative Islamic depictions of Paradise to the various efforts to map the Garden of Eden and the spiritual vision paintings of nineteenth-century mediums.The Devil's Atlasaccompanies beautiful images with a highly readable trove of surprising facts and narratives, from the more inventive torture methods awaiting sinners, to colourful eccentric catalogues of demons, angels and assorted death deities.A traveller's guide to worlds unseen,The Devil's Atlasis a fascinating study of the boundless capacity of human invention, a visual chronicle of man's hopes, fears and fantasies of what lies beyond.

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