Political Economies of Landscape Change

eBook - Places of Integrative Power, GeoJournal Library

Erschienen am 05.12.2007, Auflage: 1/2007
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402058493
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 221 S., 41.63 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


"Places of Power: Political Economies of Landscape Change" asks how politics and economics transform the landscapes we inhabit. This volume explores the connections between political economy and landscape change through a series of conceptual essays and case studies. In so doing, it speaks to a broad readership of landscape architects, geographers, and related fields of social and environmental research. The book consists of an introductory essay with nine chapters commissioned from leading geographers, landscape architects, political scientists, and economists, and a concluding essay on implications for future landscape inquiry and design.

The book is organized in three major sections. Part one, titled Landscapes of Struggle, Possibility, and Prosperity, includes a chapter on new axioms for reading the landscape followed by two chapters that read processes of economic development and distress in mountain landscapes of the U.S. and South America. Part Two on Political and Economic Driving Forces of Landscape Change includes two chapters each on political driving forces (political constructs and institutions) and economic driving forces (environmental economics and global financial markets). Part Three, titled Integrative Landscape Change compares innovative rural landscape policies in Europe and the U.S., and draws implications for future landscape inquiry, planning, and design.


Landscapes of Struggle, Possibility and Prosperity.- Introduction: Three Faces of Power in Landscape Change.- New Axioms for Reading the Landscape: Paying Attention to Political Economy and Social Justice.- Landscapes of Possibility? Livelihood and Intervention in the Production of Andean Landscapes.- Moving to the Mountains: Amenity Migration in the Sierra and Southern Appalachian Mountains.- Political and Economic Driving Forces of Landscape Change.- Constructing the Politics of Landscape Change.- Institutional Dynamics, Spatial Organization, and Landscape Change.- Green Landscapes: Exogenous Economic Benefi ts of Environmental Improvement.- Pricing the Economic Landscape: Global Financial Markets and the Communities and Institutions of Risk Management.- Integrative Landscape Change.- The Globalized Landscape: Rural Landscape Change and Policy in the United States and European Union.- Implications for Future Landscape Inquiry, Planning, and Design.

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