Love Life


Erschienen am 10.04.2014, Auflage: 1/2014
21,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781471137303
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Actor Rob Lowe is an entertaining raconteur whose bestselling first book, Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography, was hailed as "e;self-deprecatingly funny"e; (The New York Times) and "e;thoroughly entertaining"e; (Time) and earned the author the cover of Vanity Fair. Love Life serves up another delicious selection of intimate stories and observations from Lowe's life, told with humour, warmth, and brutal honesty. After writing his acclaimed debut effort, Lowe felt he had more stories to share and many more friends to introduce. The result is a touching memoir about the business and craft of acting, the pitfalls of success, family, love, and much more. Among the many adventures Lowe describes in Love Lifeare what it's like in the trenches as both the star and producer of a flop TV show; how a visit, as a twenty year old, to Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion led to a surprise in the hot tub; how an actor prepares for a role, as well as the practical, boots-on-the-ground details no drama or film school would ever teach you. You'll delight at the hilarious account of the time a major movie star stole his girlfriend, and of coaching a kid's basketball team dominated by omnipresent helicopter parents. The story of coming to terms with his son's departure to college for the education his father never got will touch anyone with a family.

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