War on terror'

eBook - The Oxford Amnesty Lectures, Oxford Amnesty Lectures

Erschienen am 18.01.2013, Auflage: 1/2013
35,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781847794970
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The term War on Terror (WOT) covers a mass of interlinked topics. Here an outstanding group of authors and academics dissect them from ethical, political, legal, economic and historical perspectives.Drawn from the world-famous Oxford Amnesty Lectures, the essays are substantial contributions to their fields and of abiding relevance. Here it is argued that members of active terrorist groups should be pre-emptively executed; that there is no provision for WOT in international law; that WOT is not cost-efficient; that war and terrorism can no longer be distinguished; and that the term terrorist has been captured by a specific political constituency. The arguments of the celebrated contributors, from Ahdaf Soueif to Joanna Bourke, are confirmed or contradicted by their respondents, resulting in broad, scholarly coverage of the issues. The book concludes with a fatwa against terrorism.WOT lies at the heart of current debate about immigration, multiculturalism and foreign policy. It is one of the determining debates in the politics of today. This volume will be of interest to students of politics, law and religion and to anyone concerned with current affairs. It covers the politics of the Middle East and the Iraq War, human rights in Islam and the West and the ethics of intervention. This is a powerful contribution to an urgent debate.


Chris Miller is a freelance critic, translator and editor and a founding member of the Oxford Amnesty Lectures


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsNotes on contributorsIntroduction: some notes on `terror' Chris Miller1. The function of narrative in the war on terror Ahdaf Soueif1a. Response to Ahdaf Soueif Elleke Boehmer2. Terrorism, war and international law 2a. Michael Byers2a. Response to Michael Byers Dino Kritsiotis3. Human rights in an age of counter-terrorism Conor Gearty3a. Response to Conor Gearty Sandra Fredman4. Terrorism: reflections on harming the innocent Thomas Pogge4a. Response to Thomas Pogge David Miller5. War/terror/politics Bat-Ami Bar On5a. Response to Bat-Ami Bar On Thomas Dublin6. War, terrorism and the war on terror Jeff McMahan6a. Response to Jeff McMahan David Rodin7. Islamic law, human rights and neo-colonialism Khaled Abou El Fadl7a. Response to Khaled Abou El Fadl Shaykh Muhammad Afifi Al-Akiti and Dr H. A. Hellyer8. The threshold of the human: sexual violence and trauma in the war on terror Joanna Bourke8a. Response to Joanna Bourke Avner Offer9. Defending the transgressed by censuring the reckless against the killing of civilians Shaykh MuhammadAfifi Al-Akitii. Taqriz/Introduction Shaykh Gibril F. Haddadii. Fatwa Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akitiiii. Select bibliography Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akitiiv. Glossary of Arabic terms Shaykh Gibril F. HaddadIndex

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